HANDy tips

HANDy tips

Did you know, dogs read hand signals and body language much better than any verbal instructions?
Don’t just teach them using words, such as ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘paw’, make sure you use a gesture to enable them to associate that pointing/hands behind the back/hand in the air etc. means they must perform a skill.
For example, try standing in front of your puppy and put both of your hands behind your back. Now wait, they should (fingers crossed) sit down, and as soon as they do you need to use your ‘mark’
Your mark is the word you use to let them know they've correctly done as you've asked and can expect a reward. 
An example of a mark work might be, 'Yes', 'Good'. The mark word should always be used to signal that the dog has done as asked, and it's imperative that you say it as soon as they do it!
Give it a go.